Energy Healing for Pets
Energy Healing for Pets
“When we change the consciousness of mankind, more people awaken to help the animals and save the land for them to live in peace.”
As effective as sound energy healing is for humans, it is even more for pets.
Pets have the capacity to hear more octaves and tones than we humans do. They are more receptive and sensitive to sound. Partly because of this, pets are profoundly affected by the instruments of sound healing. Each of their senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing) is primarily used as portals that receive information; therefore sound healing techniques can be used as a powerful gateway to improve their health and wellbeing.
Did you know sound therapy has been studied in a variety of animal species? Cows were more likely to come into the milking parlor if they were signaled by music or sound. An increase in growth rate was seen in chickens exposed to music, and stress was reduced in layer chicks when sound was used for enrichment. Moreover, a pilot study in horses suggested that eating decreased when jazz was played, but increased with country music was played.
Hence, the above researches prove that pets listen to every sound they hear and certainly absorb the energy emitted from specific vibrations be it in the form of music or sound. So, incorporating sound healing methods for pets to treat very specific conditions or their overall wellbeing is a great technique.
we change the consciousness of mankind, more people awaken to help the animals and save the land for them to live in peace.”

The energy system of pets is quite similar to that of a human being. And as we go through different physical and emotional hardships, so do our pets. A healthy, playful and joyful pet has a strong, clear and balanced energy field but sometimes they too suffer from negative energies. In such cases sound healing serves as a great help to reduce anxiety, lower heart rate and respiration, and alleviate certain behavioral challenges in pets.
Anxiety in pets is unfortunately too common. From fear of thunderstorms to strangers, the impact of phobias, anxiety, and destructive behaviours can negatively impact our pet’s health, safety, and quality of life.